Rural Care

Rural Care

Rural Care

We participate in the RuralCare project from the GIR of the Department of Psychology, together with other departments, university and technological institutes participated by the University of Valladolid. RuralCare is a European innovation project in social services consisting of the design, testing and evaluation of an innovative systemic approach, for the provision of integrated long-term care, adapted to people living in rural areas depending on their values, desires and individual preferences. The project performs a segmentation of households at risk, considering not only the individual situation, but also their environment. 4 types of HR (home at risk) and 11 subtypes are defined. The classification is carried out considering the following variables: one-person household or household in which more than one person coexists, degree of dependency, characteristics of the main caregiver and presence or absence of cognitive impairment. The conditions of households are improved by proximity services, family support, health care, adaptations of the household products, support and participation in the community. The role of the case coordinator and personal assistants are strengthened. They guide their support towards the development of the Person’s Life Project. There will be developed changes in the technical instruments of interventions and new protocols of proactive care to chronic diseases as a plan of individual support. The project has started on October 1st of 2020 and will last 36 months.

Growing in Nepal

Growing in Nepal

Growing in Nepal

We collaborate with the Association ‘Growing in Nepal‘, a non-profit organization, based in various Spanish cities, which supports the work of the Poor & Helpless Girls Home, a shelter located in the city of Kathmandu (Nepal) in the that twenty-five girls are given shelter, maintenance and access to education, with the fundamental aim of being present in the lives of all of them and helping them grow, with all that this implies. In 2016, we participated in a series of Neuro-education, Mindfulness and Visual Thinking workshops, which helped the girls learn about the possibilities of communication, through positive affect, mindfulness and the rich and complex world of emotions.




We collaborate with the CINA Lab Group, which aims to design assessment tools for attention in children and adults. Working on the development of different tests in digital version that include eye tracking devices for the quantification of the information obtained, studies are being carried out to evaluate the differences that result between the use of paper and digital versions. In addition, the incorporation of eye-tracking is being carried out during the administration of the scales, which allows the collection of extremely valuable information that enhances the desired evaluation.

working day

working day

Neuroeducation working day

In 2019, we celebrated the 1st Conference on Neuroeducation at the Faculty of Education of the University of Valladolid, with the following presentations:

Psicología y Neuroeducación
Dra. María Jesús Irurtia. Universidad de Valladolid
Aplicación de programas de intervención neuropsicológica en educación
Dra. Pilar Martín Lobo. Universidad Internacional de la Rioja
Neurotecnología Educativa
Dra. Silvia Pradas Montilla. Universidad Internacional Nebrija
Evaluación Neuropsicológica y detección del fracaso escolar
Dr. Miguel Peréz Fernández. Universidad de Salamanca