investigation group

working on improving attention and self-control in education
Recognized Research Group GIR Psicología, salud y neuroeducación

investigation group

working on improving attention and self-control in education
Recognized Research Group GIR Psicología, salud y neuroeducación

investigation group

working on improving attention and self-control in education
Recognized Research Group GIR Psicología, salud y neuroeducación



Neuroeducation emerges as a project that is situated in the current debate around what the brain sciences can contribute to education, in a global way

Knowledge of the brain is an unfinished task. We believe that a better knowledge of this organ and its processes, will reinforce the so-called educational sciences, especially to the contributions of Psychology as a behavioral science, and to Pedagogy as a science-art of teaching

We promote a critical attitude towards the ‘fashions’ that we are living around so-called neuromitos, but this should not lead us to include in the neuroscientific field the directions of the different theories that are formulated. We refer to multiple intelligences, hemispheric cerebral dominance, learning styles or mindfulness. Attention, intelligence, language, skills, etc … are shown as cognitive processes that we can study in the 21st century with greater amplitude, in the light of neurosciences

However, the school of this century is not so different from the previous ones, despite the scientific advances, and although today we approach the study of education as a complex system

The flexibility that we attribute today to brain processes (plasticity) and intelligence (abilities) is not shown in the development of our educational system, which we are still constrained by the difficulty of getting rid of a thematic and differentiating distribution

who are we


Department of Psychology – University of Valladolid

Irurtia Muñiz, María Jesús

Irurtia Muñiz, María Jesús

Centro Integral de Neurociencias Aplicadas (CINA) – Universidad Nacional del Sur

Gasaneo, Gustavo

Gasaneo, Gustavo

IFISUR / CONICET – Universidad Nacional del Sur

Rodriguez, Karina

Rodriguez, Karina

Department of Psychology – International University of La Rioja

Martin-Lobo, Pilar

Martin-Lobo, Pilar

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Carramolino Arranz, Beatriz

Carramolino Arranz, Beatriz

Department of Psychology – University of Valladolid

Rodríguez-Medina, Jairo

Rodríguez-Medina, Jairo

Technoeducational Design – University Isabel I

Urchegui Bocos, Pedro

Urchegui Bocos, Pedro

Department of Preventive Medicine – University of Valladolid

Martínez León, Mercedes

Martínez León, Mercedes

Department of Psychology – University of Valladolid

Betegón Blanca, Elena

Betegón Blanca, Elena

Department of Psychology – University of Valladolid

González Sanguino, Clara

González Sanguino, Clara

Brigham and Women’s Hospital – Universidad de Harvard

Vegas Sánchez-Ferrero, Gonzalo

Vegas Sánchez-Ferrero, Gonzalo

Department of Psychology – University of Salamanca

Pérez Fenández, Miguel

Pérez Fenández, Miguel


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